
60 Winges Road, Unit 5, Woodbridge, ON L4L 6B1

Therapeutic Botox

Therapeutic Botox
Botox for Pain (Botox Therapeutic)

There are six other toxins produced by the same bacteria (Clostridium Botulinum) from which Botox is derived, allhaving similar properties to Botulinum Type A(Botox). Two of them are commercially available, Xeomin&Dysport; although Botox is recognized as being “The Gold Standard” by most physicians.

Botox Therapeutic refers to the use of Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox) for relief of migraine headaches, various forms of chronic pain, excessive sweating; as well as extensive other medical indications.

In these situations, the product works not just by relaxing muscles that may be in spasm, but by several other possible mechanisms as well. These include blocking the stinging impulses that travel up the spinal cord in back pain, as well as inactivating headache generating chemicals produced by the brain during a migraine.

Typically the cost of the Botox in these situations is covered by private insurance plans. However, there is a fee for the doctor’s services, as neither insurance nor OHIP cover the time spent by the physician who assesses and treats you. This includes the time required to mix and prepare the Botox,which should only be done by a certified professional.

Botox has been officially recognized by Health Canada and the FDA to treat blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, chronic migraines, overactive bladders, severe underarm sweating, strabismus, and upper limb spasticity.

Dr. Baily has been utilizing the product in his medical practice since 1999 for the following additional conditions:
  • Heachaches (including Chronic Migraine, Tension-Type & Post Traumatic)
  • Neck, shoulder and low back pain
  • Temperomandibular Joint Disorder(TMJ)
  • Hyperhidrosis
Botox Headache Treatment

The use of Botox in the management of migraines was discovered by Dr. William Binder in Los Angeles in 1992. Patients who were receiving Botox for forehead lines reported that in many cases their headaches improved for several months. This lead to clinical trials which proved the efficacy of Botox for these conditions.

From 1992 to the present, the product has been used for these patients in what is referred to as “off label use,” meaning that although not formally approved by Health Canada, clinicians could legally use it for those patients whom they felt it was appropriate for.

Finally, almost 20 years later, Botox has been officially approved both in Canada and United States for the treatment of migraine. Most private drug plans will cover all, or part, of the cost of Botox for migraines. The product needs to be administered by a physician with expertise in its use for headaches, as there are differences in the areas injected and dosing compared to its cosmetic use.

We have come to learn that the product is also effective for tension headaches, as well as headaches as a result of trauma (including motor vehicle accidents), which has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. Benefits may include reduction in both the frequency and intensity of the headaches, in addition to typically reducing the use of painkillers, including narcotics which can be addictive

Treatment should be preceded by a comprehensive consultation and assessment with the physician who will ultimately be administering the product. The physician should have knowledge in regards to the overall management of the headache in addition to the use of our product, as our product is only part of the overall treatment program.

Neck, Shoulder and Low Back Pain
Therapeutic Botox Treatments

We have had success with patient management of neck, shoulder, and low back pain through this treatment; typically as a result of, but not exclusive to, muscle spasms. Patients with degenerative disc disease in the neck and lower back are thought to benefit from our treatment’s ability to block the transmission of pain impulses in the spinal cord, as well as mediating certain pain control centres in the brain.

The cost of the Botox for treatment of these areas is also generally covered by private insurance.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (known as TMJD, TMD or TMJ Syndrome), is an umbrella term referring to sudden or longstanding inflammation and pain in the temporomandibular joint, which connects the mandible(jaw) to the skull. It is often seen in patients who grind their teeth or who have suffered whiplash injuries of their neck in motor vehicle accidents.

Symptoms associated with TMJ disorders include
  • Biting or chewing difficulty or discomfort that is painful
  • Clicking, popping or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth
  • Dull, aching pain in the face
  • Earache (particularly in the morning)
  • Headache (particularly in the morning)
  • Hearing loss
  • Migraine (particularly in the morning)
  • Jaw pain or tenderness of the jaw
  • Reduced ability to open or close the mouth
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Dizziness

There are a variety of treatments available including mouth guards, medications, orthodontics, biofeedback or even surgery(TMJ implants); however our injections represent a safe, simple, and effective treatment which can result in significant improvement.

Dr. Mark & Karyn Baily and have been using this product for these therapeutic indications since 1999 and have been regarded as leaders in the medical community for this form of pain management. They have had considerable success in reducing the aforementioned physical discomforts, and improving their patient’s quality of lives.

Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Hyperhidrosis is defined as excessive, uncontrollable sweating without any discernible cause. It profoundly affects the patient’s quality of life both socially and professionally, often leading to severe embarrassment.

To those patients suffering from hyperhidrosis, our treatments have been life altering. No amount of antiperspirant could mimic the benefits of our product, which can stop sweating for an entire year with each treatment. This is a safe and effective treatment for hyperhidrosis.

As in other medical conditions, the cost of Botox is usually covered by private drug plans.

Although the risk is drastically minimized when administered by a registered, experienced professional, there is a chance that the botulinum in Botox may migrate to other parts of the body. Symptoms resulting from this can include muscle weakness, problems with vision, and loss of bladder control. A comprehensive list of potential side effects can be found here.

If you experience any of these symptoms, call Dr. Baily at your earliest convenience.

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